Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bark About It!

Our Buddy Boo-Boo
There's always something to bark about!  Just when we thought Copper's barking was getting better, he finds something else to bark about.  He has now started barking at cars that drive past us at a decent speed.  Annoying?  Yes.  Embarrasing?  Yes.  Impossible?  No.  

With all of our training problems, I try to get inside the brain of my little four-legged friend.  So, let's imaging that as we're walking down the street enjoying the warm sunshine, the cool smell of the morning, and hearing the birds singing in the background.  Yes, sometimes it really is as idyllic as that!  Either way, out of nowhere, a huge semi pummels past you at 100 miles an hour!  For a little guy like Copper, cars whizzing by seems like a semi-truck sometimes!  I truly believe he's scared, and maybe a little defensive too.  I think his barking is a startled reaction to this scary disruption to his fun walk.  

So, what did I do when I noticed this pattern?  Went to the web.  I did some research and similar methods to other problems came up.  Essentially, distraction is key.  Whenever I see a car coming, I will try to turn into a driveway to go another direction.  If I can't change directions, I will tell Copper to "go to the bathroom" or go "this way".  I'll use common commands he hears a lot that have no negative connotation for him.  I also will keep him close to me so that he can't run toward the car.    

As with most of our issues with Copper, he is getting better, but not perfect.  I have seen some improvement, but it's something that I have to be consistent on.  And, I bet it would work a lot better if I had treats with me, but that's just a lot to carry on a walk with two dogs!  

If it's not this, it'll be something else I'm sure!