Friday, June 3, 2011

eeew gross! just warning you...

This is gross, so beware. Has your dog ever gotten into something he shouldn't and swallowed it? Well, with two highly intelligent dogs, that can happen. Sometimes I can't even figure out how they get some things that they have gotten into!

Today's adventure was fairly easy to figure out - and really was my own fault. While I was in the shower, my good old friend Copper got into the trash and ate something that could expand in his stomach if he had swallowed it. Needless to say, I decided I should resort to our old trick to make Copper throw up. I didn't want anything moving into his intestines and get stuck-which could become a big problem.

Now, if the item was a sharp one, I would NOT suggest trying to make your dog gag. Call your vet! We just force the dog to swallow a tablespoon of salt and wait a few minutes. I've heard you can do hydrogen peroxide too, but I've never gotten that to work.

Fortunately, nothing major came up in his vomit, which means he actually didn't eat anything, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I don't think making a dog vomit intentionally is ever really a good thing, but in my opinion it'd be better than a blocked intestine!

This was Copper's first time with this experience. Unfortunately, Sara Beth has had this done to her a few more times when she was a young puppy (due to swallowing game pieces, 1/2 bag of sugar, lots of grapes, and a box of crayons). Just make sure that the dog is hydrated afterwards and give lots of love as they probably don't feel the best!

Moral of the today's story: Well, I've got to be more careful with the trash around him. It's funny how some dogs are attracted to those scents and then others (like Sara Beth), could care less. Any time a dog debacle happens, I just have to learn from it and see "how could we have avoided this".

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