Thursday, June 23, 2011

oh the agony!

Update on how the training is going...

Food Aggression:

I've gotten a little more lax with Copper in the last few days. I've forgotten and left the bowls out after feeding time, which in turn, allows Copper the opportunity to lick his and Sara's bowl. He still does really well in waiting for his food even though Sara has started before him. He also does really well when we take his food away from him mid-meal.

We did have one instance where he tried to start eating Sara's food while she had her head in the bowl. And I caught it so fast that I simply scooped him up with a firm "NO" and held him up like a baby until Sara was done eating. He didn't snap or anything. Good thing he's not heavier!

Loose Leash/Leash Aggression:

Both dogs have been getting walks together, which I'm sure is where the problem lies. I don't even know when I drifted out of the habit of walking them separately, but I'm sure I should start back up. Both dogs are walking on the leash well. Sara Beth still pulls more than Copper, but they are good in my book.

This morning we had a good walk and I think it was because I was only half-awake. I was more mellow and so they were more mellow. I barely said anything except maybe a "good boy/good girl" here or there, and mainly just led by pace and leash direction. I think I'm a believer in the fact that my hyper energy can make the dogs more hyper.

Now, the leash aggression is still a problem. oh the agony! I feel like the dogs have gotten worse instead of better about seeing other dogs out. Even bikes are freaking them out again, and sometimes runners. It's so frustrating to have to go back to basics with them when I thought we were past this!

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