Friday, May 20, 2011

does this fur make me look fat?

So, Tennessee is different from Colorado in a lot of ways, but one of the biggest things for Copper and Sara Beth has been the heat and humidity. I've noticed since we've been here that my dogs don't have as much energy as they used to and that they get tired easier. At the dog park, they stop (for a brief second) and hang out in the shade much sooner than I've ever seen.

So, I started thinking, "hmmm...maybe we should shave our dogs and make them feel a little better..." And I even called around to a couple places to find out pricing and availability. And then, I thought, that I should maybe research it a little more. And good old google and facebook friends gave me some answers.

Shaving a dog like an Australian Shepherd or Border Collie with a double coat can be more harmful to it. Removing that outer coat can give more exposure to the sun, leading to sunburn. The outer coat also acts as insulation to keep heat out. Not to mention, it's stated too, that the fur may not grow back properly.

So...we busted out our furminator brush and I filled up a bag full of hair. It was amazing how much came off of each dog. I'm sure there's much more that needs to come off of them still. But I think I have my answer for now- no shaving.

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